Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy March Twelve.

I was at Orchard Central yesterday, accompanied by my two good friends. I was there to receive my certificate for being one of 100 most inspiring real women in commemoration for 100 years celebrating International Women's Day (IWD), worldwide. 
I was truly inspired by Nicole's welcome speech yesterday. She said something along the line of, (and this is not a direct quote from her) being an inspiring women has to be able to multi-task while reaching towards her goal(s) and ensure that regardless whatever obstacles she may face, she still stays healthy and fit. 

Without a doubt, being a woman is one helluva roller coaster ride. You gotta manage your inevitable mood-swings, with special thanks to god's gift called the menstrual cycle, taking care and be filial to ONLY one man, (to those with more than one, I respect you. Because, I honestly cannot handle more than one, in my life. Showering love and sharing joy to your kids, (if you have one) being the best daughter to your parents (never neglect your elderly, no matter how irritating they can be) and maintaining your beauty from aging/exercise to the best of your ability.
I was directed to seat 77 (I got a feeling the seatings were based on the number of likes...) and my two friends had to stand for more than an hour or so, just to watch me go up that stage to receive my award. I felt really bad because they have not had lunch (Touche!) and had to stand throughout the introduction. Saturday was jam-packed with back-to-back events that I had to attend. I was so busy and it felt so good because I have not been busy since I last worked in 2009. But, it did some damage on me as I had to survive on this (below) for the whole day:
I know, I know its bad for my stomach. But I swear it was unintentional. I was truly occupied! I should have a hearty breakfast before the event started. My bad. Actually, I was so damn confident that they will be serving light refreshments. But I was wrong. I deserve it for expecting free food..-_-
Anyway, I was so honored to receive this note. I felt really special. I call it an admirer's note. One, to me, is a very special word. It might seem selfish but its a flattering word to hear/read, because no one else is one but me!

Thank you Cozycot for allowing me to inspire you. I'm really glad that you found me inspring enough to be apart of the 100. There are many other women out there who achieve greater heights than I do and I'm deeply honored to be apart of the known 100.
Other inspiring women I got to made friends and interacted with, Tara Rushton, Sylvia Fogoly, Sim Siew Noi and Fay Hokulani. After receiving the award, smiling and all the photo taking, I accompanied my friends to collect their goodie bag and had to rush off to another event. I thought I the time to eat but unfortunately, not.

Immelia and I were excited to be among the 100 selected participants for this Beauty Challenge. I found out about this challenge when I received an email from Freshlook. I blogged about the competition and participated at the same time. Come on, who doesn't want to go to Paris? I sure, as hell, want to. I sure hope my dad allow me to go, if I win. Anyway, I met Immelia at Paragon and we went to Make Up Store to collect our lenses! We both decided on Pure Hazel and I have this strange feeling that Immelia actually plan what to apply on both our eyes before the start of the challenge. Efficient much? We both met during the Freshlook Ambassadors cum Make Up Store workshop. We followed each other on Twitter to keep in contact and have been friends ever since.

Side-track bit: Little did I know I will making/meeting more girlfriends online than off because when I was younger, I felt that getting to know someone and having to meet them is terrifying but its all good now. I love my girlfriends online! (those whom I have chatted/met with)

We had to use assigned colors according to our color lens, pure hazel. This was what we picked. I followed Immelia's choice of eye colors. She chose different shades of purple on top of the eyelids with a thin line of dark eyeliner. We added glitter below our eye and mascara to complete our look. We only have 10 minutes to complete all that.
Check out and like Freshlook The Next Big Thing, Illuminate and Make Up Store Singapore to see more of behind the scene photos of beautiful ladies dolling up their pretty peepers. May the best three pairs win!

I reached home at 1800hrs. I met my partner and we had dinner at Swenson's before bowling. This was inclusive of my breakfast and lunch. All day long, I haven't had a proper meal and I ordered, my favorite baked mussels and mega burger. I was left stoked! This picture below was taken during the New Year's Eve. I didn't take any pictures that day. 
Photo Credit: Big Freaky
After that, we head on down and chill at a nearby Mac Donald's till 0100hrs. It was a helluva long day for me. I created this entry since Sunday afternoon and only manage to publish this today. I was down with slight fever and flu and only just recovered. Weekends are always packed for me. But, I hope I will be able to blog about a few inspired topic lingering in my mind. Anyway, this marks my last week of holidays, I will be on school attachment for 4 weeks after this. Hopefully, I will have the time to blog.

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