Friday, December 17, 2010

Review: Green Lantern Corps - Ring Quest

With an upcoming movie, Green Lantern is about to make a big splash – but did you know that it’s a very sci-fi oriented superhero story? The Green Lantern Corps are a galactic police force, endowed with superpowers and tasked with the job of maintaining peace and order.

One day for the purposes of these reviews, I may go back and re-read/review the Green Lantern stories which have come before this point. Depending on your point of view, it begins with the destruction of Coast City in the Reign of the Supermen/Return of Superman story, after which Hal Jordan is infected by Parallax (a fear creature of the “yellow” - which any fan of Green Lantern knows is a Lantern’s biggest weakness) goes nuts, destroys the Corps, and falls from grace. A new Lantern takes over (Kyle Rayner) for awhile, but eventually Hal gets a Rebirth, which leads to a return of the Corps – just in time to face off against the Sinestro Corps (or Yellow Lanterns). It is in the aftermath of that war in which Ring Quest begins.

Green Lantern Corps stars the “other” Green Lanterns like Kyle, who’s now had his own brush with Parallax during the Sinestro Corps War. There’s also Guy Gardner, the rough around the edges hero whose girlfriend has just returned to life but wants some time away. And there are a bunch of other characters, too, from the very odd (bugs and robots) to various alternate takes on humanoid. They’re all brought together by the little blue aliens who run the Green Lantern Corps for a very special mission; track down the yellow rings before they find new owners and ensure they do not resurrect the Sinestro Corps.

Meanwhile, Mongul (yellow-skinned, sometime enemy of Superman) becomes the host to one of those rings – decides that he alone should hold ALL of the yellow rings – and sets out on a quest to retrieve them as well. The inevitable clash between Mongul and the Green Lantern Corps has been set up. It’s just a matter of time before we get there. For fans of the character Mongul and his homeworld, this story is a treat because it reveals additional details of both this current incarnation of the character (as son of the original) and also of the Black Mercy flowers he most often uses as his weapon of choice.

But it Ring Quest isn’t what I’d call a necessary book either. It wasn’t as compelling as some of the Green Lantern stories I’ve read leading up to this point, and it doesn’t seem all that important in the grand scheme of things beyond this story. (Even if Mongul returns as a Yellow Lantern in the future, I don’t expect to have needed to read this story to understand his presence in the Sinestro Corps). Yet it was an enjoyable diversion, a good story where you’re actually given some insight into these Corps characters who’ve maybe been getting a little less screen time (due to the big Sinestro Corps War crossover event just prior to this). The comic ramps into the action fairly quickly and becomes a big blowout cosmic battle by the end with an entire world at stake. If you’re a Green Lantern fan (and willing to move beyond Hal Jordan) this is actually a pretty decent place to “get on board” as it provides a nice introduction to this cast of characters and stands alone well as a story of its own right. Though it’s really much better to back up a little further and start with Green Lantern: Rebirth (which is a highly entertaining story and the reason I’ve been reading these Green Lantern stories since.) Still, there’s nothing about Ring Quest that kept me from wanting to continue to read this series. It’s another solid volume in probably the best corner of the DC Universe being written today.

Domino Clock, idea from game at tell the time

The Domino Clock be gadget idea that modify be from classic game present come out a wall clock. The concept is simple, there are 3 dominoes equipped with articulating "dots" that flip back-and-forth between black and white to keep time.

You can hang them on the wall or stand free, as they communicate with one another wirelessly to mark the passage of time. Does this mean you will need to have a wireless Internet connection on round the clock so that the Domino Clock can communicate with a time server elsewhere?

Designer: Carbon Design Group

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Membuat Animasi Flash Sederhana...

Mencoba untuk membuat Flash sederhana dengan harapan dapat memahami konsep membuat animasi dengan Flash.

Dalam contoh ini akan mencoba membuat animasi bola basket yang seolah olah di lempar dan masuk ke dalam ring dengan Adobe Flash CS3.

Pertama kita akan buat gambar di layer 1 untuk backgroud tetap, yaitu gambar tiang dan ring basket dilihat dari samping.

Kemudian untuk layer 2 adalah untuk gambar yang bergerak yaitu bola basket, untuk frame pertama kita tempatkan bola basket di samping kanan

Selanjutnya kita insert keyframe dan pindahkan gambar bola basket di tengah atas, ini untuk membuat pergerakan bola lebih real melambung.

Kembali kita insert keyframe dan pindahkan gambar bola basket di atas ring

Untuk lebih halus animasi pergerakan bola basket, bisa di insert lagi keyframe sesuai kebutuhan dan terakhir agar animasi per keyframe lebih halus kita create motion tween

Terakhir bisa kita cek dengan menu control play, dan hasilnya seperti ini...

Selamat mencoba.....

Mengenal apa itu Flash...

Adobe Flash (dulu Macromedia Flash) adalah sebuah multimedia platform yang digunakan untuk menambahkan animasi , video, dan interaktivitas ke halaman web. Flash sering digunakan untuk iklan dan game. Baru-baru ini, telah diposisikan sebagai alat untuk " Aplikasi Rich Internet "(" RIA ").

Flash memanipulasi vektor dan grafis raster untuk memberikan animasi teks, gambar, dan gambar diam. Mendukung dua arah streaming audio dan video, dan dapat menangkap masukan dari pengguna melalui mouse, keyboard, mikrofon, dan kamera. Flash berisi bahasa berorientasi Obyek disebut ActionScript.

Flash konten dapat ditampilkan pada berbagai sistem komputer dan perangkat , menggunakan Adobe Flash Player , yang tersedia secara gratis untuk umum web browser , beberapa ponsel dan beberapa lainnya perangkat elektronik (menggunakan Flash Lite).

Awalnya dikembangkan oleh Macromedia , Flash diperkenalkan pada tahun 1996, dan saat ini sedang dikembangkan dan didistribusikan oleh Adobe Systems.

Adobe Flash Profesional adalah penerus produk perangkat lunak yang dikenal sebagai FutureSplash Animator, sebuah grafis vektor dan program animasi vektor dirilis pada Mei 1996. FutureSplash Animator dikembangkan oleh FutureWave Software , sebuah perusahaan software kecil yang produknya adalah SmartSketch program gambar-vektor untuk komputer berbasis pena.

Versi Macromedia atau Adobe Flash

    * Macromedia Flash 2 (1997)
    * Macromedia Flash 3 (1998)
    * Macromedia Flash 4 (1999)
    * Macromedia Flash 5 (2000)
    * Macromedia Flash 6 (2002) atau Macromedia Flash MX
    * Macromedia Flash 7 (2003) atau Macromedia Flash MX 2004
    * Macromedia Flash 8 (2005)
    * Adobe Flash 9 (2007) atau Adobe Flash CS3
    * Adobe Flash 10 (2008) atau Adobe Flash CS4
    * Adobe Flash 11 (2010) atau Adobe Flash CS5

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giveaway! "The Lost Gate" by Orson Scott Card

I am crazy busy this week and it looks like it's only going to get busier. Since my posting may get sketchy until after Christmas, I wanted to make sure I put up a good giveaway-- and I hear The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card is definitely in demand. Courtesy of Tor Books I have one copy to offer to one lucky winner.

Danny North knew from early childhood that his family was different, and that he was different from them. While his cousins were learning how to create the things that commoners called fairies, ghosts, golems, trolls, werewolves, and other such miracles that were the heritage of the North family, Danny worried that he would never show a talent, never form an outself.

He grew up in the rambling old house, filled with dozens of cousins, and aunts and uncles, all ruled by his father. Their home was isolated in the mountains of western Virginia, far from town, far from schools, far from other people.

There are many secrets in the House, and many rules that Danny must follow. There is a secret library with only a few dozen books, and none of them in English — but Danny and his cousins are expected to become fluent in the language of the books. While Danny’s cousins are free to create magic whenever they like, they must never do it where outsiders might see.

Unfortunately, there are some secrets kept from Danny as well. And that will lead to disaster for the North family.

Just add your information to the form below to enter (all information is guaranteed confidential and will be discarded once contest ends) and I will randomly pick one winner by Wednesday January 5th. No multiple entries please-- all multiple entries will be discarded. Open everywhere.

Good luck!

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon" Trailer

Today seems to be the day for trailers that make me go "meh." I'm not sold on this after the second "Transformers" movie motivated me to do laundry rather than watch it. But here's hoping the third time's the charm.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" Trailer

I was over this by the third one. But hey...mermaids.

Ecodrive Bicycle, Concept with iPhone

Safety protocols say to keep both hands on the handlebars but they also say use hand gestures to signal turn intention. Contradiction! The Ecodrive has integrated lights and turn signals controlled via the handlebars. And no concept is complete without some form of smartphone integration so this little guy has a nice cubby hole for the iPhone. Keeps it charged and in return, the iPhone gives you access to its magical GPS and navigation abilities. It’s animal symbiosis people.

Designer: Juil Kim

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Assalammualikum dan Salam sejahtera,entri kali ini saya hendak berkongsi tentang sebuah laman web tempatan iaitu Rekatee adalah komuniti online untuk para pengiat seni kreatif terutamanya bagi pengemar dan pereka t-shirt lebih kurang sama macam . 
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