Friday, September 23, 2011


Apple iPad REVIEW
Apple iPad REVIEW

iPhone 5 Asymmetrical Concept

Why many people think the iPhone 5 will design have the figure that the symmetry is like iPhone previous.

And this designing that think to different. Because, It is original and brings us an iPhone 5 with an asymmetrical design.This model integrates the screen very discretely and replaces the volume buttons with a + and – key, while the Home button is still there, but it’s almost invisible. The back side looks very much like the one of the iPhone 4 but the main idea of this device is that it has a more rounded side and a straight side

The camera seems to use a dual LED flash of sorts. Imagine an iPhone 4 with an edge cut by a precision knife… Pure metal and something original at last!

Designers: Alexei Mikhailov

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

from september 23rd to october 21st
show opening on friday september 23rd at 8 pm
COAG colegio de arquitectos de a coruña
federico tapia 64 bajo

displaying original comic art, both published and unpublished by jose domingo, xurxo g penalta, lola lorente and alberto vazquez in relation to their different uses of spacial representación within sequential narration


del 23 de septiembre al 21 de octubre
inauguración el viernes 23 de septiembre a las 20:00
COAG colegio de arquitectos de a coruña
federico tapia 64 bajo

exposición de originales de comic, tanto publicados como inéditos, de los autores  jose domingoxurxo g penaltalola lorente y alberto vazquez en relación con los distintos usos que estos hacen de la representación espacial en sus narraciones gráficas 

That Apple's IPad Was The

that Apple's iPad was the
that Apple's iPad was the