Saturday, June 5, 2010

The na:vi GPS, life will easy for the blind

In the future, the way of life will easy more for the blind. Because, they will can travel with oneself by must not depend on the supporter

The "Na:vi" is a GPS navigating system that allows the blind to move freely without any help or assistance from others. The na:vi GPS have featuring guiding gyroscopes, the navigation system also integrates laser range finder, together with the GPS navigation with 3D user interface to ensure a safe and accurate direction finding. Moreover, the wearable device features a stylish, elegant design.

Designers: Pia Weitgasser, Kristina Chudikova, Joe Müller

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commission piece

Cell three- wheeler, electric power futuristic personal vehicle

The "Cell three wheeler" that introduced this time is a car that design for reducing car's efficiency with extra weight and occupying a lot of the street's space

This three-wheeler electrically powered futuristic personal vehicle features "Narrow Mode" for convenient driving in busy city traffic where the front wheels come into a forward position to reduce the width of the car. The car contains two seats in an inline position, making the car compact and a sliding door provides easy access as well as enables passengers to exit in small space in the parking.

The vehicle gets charged through special charging stations available in different locations across the city where the front of the car would couple with the spring-loaded charging bumper. Also, it incorporates semi transparent solar panels on side glass and the roof to generate alternative energy from the sunlight.

Designer: Thomas Kent

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Free CMS dari

Untuk menghemat waktu mengembangkan suatu CMS, tidak ada salahnya apabila kita mencoba free CMS yang banyak di internet sebagai langkah pertama.
Banyak sekali CMS – CMS yang memiliki fitur yang sangat baik berdasarkan kategori kategori dari fungsi CMS itu sendiri, seperti untuk blog, banyak orang pakai WordPress, untuk bisnis online, banyak orang pakai Joomla, dan banyak lagi kategori lainnya
Free CMS biasanya di ikuti juga dengan free template yang sangat banyak sekali dan tidak jarang malah sangat bagus dan lengkap sekali, kita tinggal hanya mengisi content-nya saja, design dan engine-nya tinggal kita download dan instalasi dengan mudah
Cukup mudah bukan…  Jadi silahkan anda berkunjung ke dan temukan free CMS yang sesuai dengan kategori yang akan anda bangun…

Dari website tersebut anda bisa mencari cms yang free  yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang anda butuhkan. Contoh disini kita akan mencari free cms untuk kategori e-commerce.

Pada contoh gambar diatas, untuk CMS kategori e-commerce  ada AlegroCart, Magento dan sebagainya, tinggal Anda pilih mana yang Anda suka dan sesuai kebutuhan Anda, mendownloadnya ke lokal komputer dan mencoba mengembangkannya secara offline pada lokal komputer anda terlebih dahulu.
Selamat mencoba…

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Send Diana Wynn-Jones Well Wishes

~From (Written by Kate Nepveu)

According to Ansible, Diana Wynne Jones has chosen to stop chemotherapy treatment for cancer; her doctors fear that she has only months left to live. A semi-official fansite says that e-mails to meredithxyz at googlemail dot com will be printed and sent to Ms. Jones regularly. If her books have been important to you, now would be a good time to tell her so.

I sent her a short note telling her that Deep Secret, one of her adult fantasy novels, is one of my favorite books in the world. It’s got complex and sympathetic characterization, it’s funny [*], it has some great magic, and it pulls off a remarkable transition from farcical to mythic that shouldn’t work but does. Also a lot of it is set at a SFF convention, which leads to things like people thinking a centaur is someone with a really good hall costume.

[*] I have heard that the scene with Nick at breakfast is a lovingly-observed portrait of Neil Gaiman in the morning, but cannot confirm this out of personal knowledge. Anyone who could, it’s in chapter 11.

My other favorite of her books is The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, which is an affectionate parody of what rec.arts.sf.* called Extruded Fantasy Product, generically-medievaloid epic fantasy that is full of clichés and unexamined worldbuilding tropes. It’s done as an A-Z guide for readers who are about to tour Fantasyland. I’m not sure how well it would hold up now, as it was written in 1996 and I don’t read much epic fantasy these days, but every time I open up a new fantasy book and see a map, I am automatically reminded of the Guide:

Map. See Introduction for description. We must emphasize again here that no Tour is complete without a Map. Further, you must not expect to be let off from visiting every damn place shown on it.

Jones is a prolific writer with a long career, and I’ve only scratched the surface of her work. She is also well-known for Howl’s Moving Castle (from which a movie was recently made by Hayao Miyazaki), the Chrestomanci series, and the Tam Lin novel Fire and Hemlock. Her most recent book is Enchanted Glass. She is extremely influential in the YA fantasy genre and in a whole generation of fantasy writers. If you’ve read and liked her books, do consider dropping her a line saying so. (If you haven’t, now would be a lovely time to start! Or consider sending a note to your favorite living author telling them what their books have meant to you. I’m reliably told that no author dislikes hearing “I really love your books,” even when there’s no external reason for saying so at that time.)

Hiriko City Car, Folded Car Innovation

Gadget-ideaz gets present folding bicycle many times, but come to this time not a bicycle but it is a folded car innovation. Which, to development of a new solution for the new urban mobility as conceptualized under the "Citycar" concept

The Hiriko CityCar is prototype of the electric vehicle, by this city car concept you would not be difficult to find parking place, because Hiriko can be folded. So unique and innovative

Think soon, in the future near we will may see folded car on the road more and more

The Hiriko CityCar during the electric vehicle presentation in Berlin, Germany

Developed: M.I.T. Media Lab team, led by Ryan Chin, Will Lark and Raul Poblano

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Apa itu Web CMS

Web Content Management System (WCM, WCMS atau Web CMS) adalah perangkat lunak Content Management System (CMS), diimplementasikan sebagai aplikasi Web , untuk menciptakan dan mengelola konten seperti HTML , tetapi juga termasuk XML dan SVG pada khususnya. Hal ini digunakan untuk mengelola dan mengendalikan content yang dinamis dan sangat komplek untuk sebuah web (dokumen HTML dan gambar yang terkait). Sebuah WCMS memfasilitasi penciptaan content, kontrol content, mengedit, dan memelihara atau mengupdate content.

Perangkat lunak ini menyediakan authorisasi (dan lainnya) yang dirancang untuk memungkinkan pengguna dengan sedikit pengetahuan tentang bahasa pemrograman untuk membuat dan mengelola konten dengan relatif mudah.

Kebanyakan sistem menggunakan database untuk menyimpan konten, metadata , atau yang lainnya yang mungkin dibutuhkan oleh sistem.

Untuk lebih mempermudah pengembangan sebuah CMS, biasanya terdapat set - set template yang bisa gunakan baik itu secara gratis ataupun berbayar.

Administrasi biasanya dilakukan melalui antarmuka berbasis browser, namun beberapa sistem memerlukan penggunaan fat client.

Tidak seperti pembangun-situs Web, sebuah WCMS memungkinkan pengguna non-teknis untuk melakukan perubahan pada sebuah website dengan sedikit pelatihan.

Kemampuan Web CMS:

Template otomatis
Membuat template output standar (biasanya HTML dan XML ) yang dapat secara otomatis diterapkan, yang memungkinkan penampilan semua konten berubah sesuai template

Content mudah diedit
Lebih mudah dan cepat untuk mengedit dan memanipulasi. Kebanyakan perangkat lunak WCMS, terdapat WYSIWYG yaitu alat editing yang memungkinkan individu non-teknis untuk membuat dan mengedit konten.

Scalable feature sets
Kebanyakan perangkat lunak WCMS termasuk plug-ins atau modul yang dapat dengan mudah diinstal untuk memperluas fungsi situs yang sudah ada.

Standar web upgrade
perangkat lunak WCMS biasanya menerima update reguler yang termasuk set fitur baru dan menjaga sistem sampai dengan standar web saat ini.

Workflow manajemen
Document management
Software CMS dapat menyediakan cara untuk mengelola siklus hidup dokumen dari waktu penciptaan awal, melalui revisi, publikasi, arsip, dan kehancuran dokumen.

Content virtualization
Software CMS dapat menyediakan sarana yang memungkinkan setiap pengguna untuk bekerja dalam salinan virtual dari seluruh situs web, mengatur dokumen, dan / atau basis kode.

Content syndication
Software CMS sering membantu dalam distribusi konten dengan menghasilkan RSS dan Atom feed data ke sistem lain. Mereka mungkin juga e-mail pengguna ketika pembaruan tersedia sebagai bagian dari proses alur kerja.

Kemampuan untuk menampilkan konten dalam berbagai bahasa

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just in Case Reading Comic Books and Dressing Up Like a Storm Trooper Wasn't Enough to Make You Happy...

I bring you the "Iron Man" athletic shoe...for adults.

I had no idea that comic-book character inspired footwear was such a big thing. The picture I have here is a custom line of "Iron Man" War Machine footwear that will cost you a cool $400 if you buy them off Ebay. The picture I have below is the more scaled-down version-- those will only run you about $250.

Because, you know, character footwear isn't just for kids anymore.

Somehow I totally missed this phenomenon. I regularly buy shoes for my son that feature "Spiderman" or the "Transformers," but did you know that people will pay big bucks to have their ordinary sneakers hand-painted to look like a souped-up version of the shoes I buy for my son at Target?

Neither did I?

Here are a few samples.

There's a whole world of athletic shoes out there I was completely unaware of! Nike also appears to be the brand that specifically caters to the buyers of these shoes with a whole line of comic-book shoes.

I had a whole post written in my head about modern society and our hesitancy to grow up.... But I couldn't stop trying to find more pictures of shoes.

Maybe I'll write that post tomorrow...

Mooovie, zero-emission vehicle

The "Mooovie" is a modular vehicle that switches between two modes, two-wheel and three-wheel, to meet individual needs of different commuters. When want to drivel it on highway, the zero-emission personal electric vehicle gets smaller in the two-wheel mode to move at controlled speed on cramped roads. Which in this system, the driver can drive in the intelligent automatic drive mode to control the distances between vehicles and driving line.

Besides, the Mooovie integrates a wheel-display to show images or messages of the vehicle and lets the driver share messages with friends or other drivers by internet technology.

The Mooovie is the Winner of the Gold Award of Best Advanced Technology in the first "Science & Future" International Concept Car Design Contest by designing this is idea of the designer from School of Fine Art, Tsinghua University

Designer: Han Jing

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

**Updated** (Form Fixed) Giveaway! "Terminal World" by Alastair Reynolds

Courtesy of Penguin Books I have a copy of "Terminal World" up for grabs on my giveaway page. Be sure to CHECK IT OUT.

235th OLD MAN

eRoll, reducing the size of the eBook

Feel both of love both of hate eBooks and reading book was liking this to once, it feels unusual with the character is that ting rush on display more than with on paper, which it is the feeling that calls "a book" really. However for the sake of evolution, eBook still must be concept for development in the future

eRoll or eBook+Roll is concept designing of eBook that different from iPad-way (touchscreen) or the Kindle-way (screen + keypad), with the common factor being a rigid display. eRoll predicts a future where a roll-able flexible screen will be used, thus reducing the size of the book to a baton.

Designer: Dragan Trencevski

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Do Reviews Matter Anymore?

I'm under no delusions that I am an influential reviewer. Heck, I'm thrilled anyone would ask me to review anything. I review books and movies because it's fun. I like to spread the word about certain books throw in my two cents concerning popular movies. It's an ego driven exercise for sure, but as long as I can get away with it, I'll probably keep doing it.

But do reviews have a meaningful impact in the real world?

When I was growing up there weren't that many reviewers out there. Everyone I knew watched "Siskel & Ebert" and two thumbs up from those guys could make or break a movie. If you were really ambitious you might look in your local newspaper and see what they had to say about the latest movie and book releases. My newspaper had a Sunday insert called "The Sunday Ticket" and that was the biggest compilation of reviews around.

But things have sure changed haven't they? The internet explosion has changed reviewing forever. And it's not just people like me-- though there are a lot of us around. Nowadays Twitter and Facebook play a huge role in determining a movie's success.

Take this Memorial Day weekend for example: "Sex in the City 2" is the perfect example of a movie that absolutely defies expectations. I am not a huge fan of the series (it would be all too easy for me to go off on a digression about why I think the stereotypes in SATC are bad for women-- but I think I've gone on about that topic enough to last a while) so it's not a movie that would normally come to my attention. But the reviews for this haven't just been bad, they've been savage. Rotten Tomatoes -- which I consider a great reviewing tool and something I check often before I spend theater prices on anything-- gives SATC2 a 15% fresh rating. Ouch. But the terrible aggregate score for the movie doesn't seem to be scaring audiences away. The returns for the movie over the Memorial Day weekend, worldwide, are at $78 million. It looks like the movie won't need more than two weekends to turn a profit.

And "Sex and the City" isn't at all a lone example of a review proof movie. The highly mock-able "Twilight" scores only a 50% fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes but pulled in over $400 million at the box office.

Both "Sex and the City" and "Twilight" have a couple of things in common. They're both part of franchises that exist outside the movie theater and were hugely successful prior to making it to the big screen. They are also the kind of movie that women go to see in packs, who then "Tweet" about how much they loved the movie. Believe me, I have seen this phenomenon.

But I can't blame the reviewer/audience disconnect on the chick-flick audience. "Shrek the Third" is sitting at a so-so 41% fresh rating, and yet it has pulled in almost $800 million dollars. And do I even need to mention the craptacular "Transformers 2" and its massive earnings? However, these successes could be attributed to their sequel status. So the performance of "The Prince of Persia" is tougher to categorize since it has only garnered a 40% fresh rating, but looks like it will also exceed its budget by the second weekend of its release. Does anyone read the reviews anymore?

Clearly reviews do have some weight. At least the recent lackluster performance of "Robin Hood" would seem to indicate that they do. But then again, is it really the reviews, or is everything now based on word-of-mouth spread by the various social networks?

I'm actually stumped by the review-proof phenomenon. Movies aren't cheap and I don't like wasting my hard-earned money on movies (or books) that I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like, so I do check the reviews. I scan my favorite blogs and check in with reviewers I trust before I buy anything.

But I wonder, have I become the exception?

Week 10 - Precedent Study 2 (Project 3)