Saturday, December 4, 2010

Google likes me- They really like me- I just wish I knew how I did it

I gotta do it. I can't help myself.

A couple of years ago I had a nice up-tick in blog traffic and after some investigation noticed that I was getting a lot of blog hits thanks to two pictures.

The lovely Linda Carter


The scantily clad Sigourney Weaver

Me being me, I've always tried to figure out how to replicate the success I've had with those two pictures. I've added pictures of Carrie Fisher in full Princess Leia bikini garb, but that didn't really do anything for my blog traffic. Xena in her leather bustier generated some interest, but nothing lasting.

But a few days ago my blog traffic spiked in a big way. I've gone from blog hits in the hundreds to blog hits in the thousands. Sweet! Something worked! Naturally I investigated. And do you know what did it? Was it a spandex wearing Linda Grey? Tricia Helfer wearing her famously sheer red dress?

Nope. It's mainly this guy.

Though these guys are getting a fair amount of attention too.

So what's the lesson here?

I have no idea. But I'm not going to complain.


Apparently Facebook has a meme that involves swapping out your normal profile picture with a picture of a favorite cartoon. So I guess the lesson here is that we'd all get really good traffic if we could figure out how to anticipate the next trend on Facebook. Something tells me I will never succeed at doing that on purpose.

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Peugeot Aureon" innovative electric car design

I think, it will should not is like the alien spaceship as seen in many movies. But I think it resembles the drop

This is the latest Peugeot Aureon innovative electric car design which features the excellence of ergonomic car design for future transportation. It features two-seater runs on three wheels. Which wheel design giving an impression of flowing lava with its florescent red tires. And hubless wheel with the electric motor hidden in the back, inside the rear wheel. Look good it will see same a giant dragonfly, that spread the wings and waiting fly at all times

In fact, Peugeot Aureon this car design was inspired by the body shape of an ant. The unique and innovative lighting including headlights, taillight and sleek, shiny body have heightened the cutting edge design of the car a lot. The compact shape and lightweight carbon fiber construction of the car have made it perfect for busy future streets. I am sure futuristic car enthusiasts can’t wait to ride this super car.

Designer: Cristian Polanco

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Audiobook Review – Garro: Oath of the Moment

I’m still not quite finished with Greyfriar, but I should definitely be able to have a review up for that book by next Friday. Fortunately, in the meantime I was lucky enough to have the chance to listen to another of the Black Library Warhammer 40,000 audio dramas - and I’m ready to give you my thoughts.

This story takes place during the Horus Heresy, a millennia before WH40K, where the status quo of that era is explored by revealing the history of how things came to reach that state. In this era, some of the cybernetically enhanced humans called Astartes begin to rebel against their God-Emperor – a Heresy never before witnessed. And as these battle lines are drawn, former brothers-in-arms find themselves on opposing sides.

Garro is one such soldier. His Legion betrayed the Emperor, but instead of following them Garro chose to uphold his Oath to his Emperor and reveal their treachery to him. But without his brothers he struggles to find a place for himself, until one of the Emperors trusted advisors gives him a new purpose. He will gather others like himself, and they will form a new Legion – this time one of Ghosts.

His first recruit is to be found on the homeworld of the Ultramarines, where they are under Siege. Garro must get past the lines of battle and find Rubio – another soldier who has been forced into a role where he must choose between oaths. Rubio has psychic powers, but he has been ordered not to use them – even though it means watching his brothers die. As the enemy draws closer, forcing the Ultramarines into a losing position – Rubio will find himself torn between his oath to defend his brothers at all costs, and his oath not to use his powers.

And when he ultimately betrays one oath for the other, he will become a Ghost too.

As always, the production value of this production are top notch; between the reading itself (where the author uses different voices for different characters, seemingly creating an entire cast – like voiceover work in an animated production) to the music and sound effects – I’ve said many times, The Black Library has ruined me to anything but their audiobooks. I only wish every publisher did it this way.

The story is a mixed bag. The best of these audio dramas have at least one memorable scene, and I can remember them clearly – in this case, I didn’t come away thinking the same about anything in Garro. The author also uses flashbacks to show how Garro came to be tasked with his mission, interspersing those scenes with ones showing his mission to find Rubio – but the problem with these flashbacks is within the context of the audio drama it’s hard to tell that’s what you’re now listening to. There were no audio cues (for instance: “Garro remembered when…”) to let the listener know this kind scene change had happened – and it happens a few times during the course of the book.

But at the same time, I fully enjoyed listening to Garro: Oath of the Moment as well. The story is engaging, with plenty of action and just enough story to make anyone feel at home in the Warhammer 40,000 setting. I am still a relative newcomer to this line of books, having only read one book so far and listened to a number of their audiobooks, and I have had no trouble following along and understanding what’s going on. My kids are young, but I plan on holding on to these until they get older – knowing how great it’ll be to put these on during a long car ride. If you’ve ever thought about giving an audiobook a try (and you can sample the unabridged audio drama of Horus Rising here) I highly recommend any of The Black Library’s offerings, including Garro: Oath of the Moment.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Quick Tips : Bleed area for business cards

Assalammualaikum dan Salam 1 Malaysia,business cards bukan sahaja untuk perniagaan semata-mata tetapi sebagai juga boleh dijadikan tanda pengenalan diri anda selain kad pengenalan atau IC. 

baca selanjutnya

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giveaway! "Stars and Gods" by Larry Niven

I've had a busy week-- like most of you I'm sure. We've had family in for the Thanksgiving holiday and that's been terrific. Today, and I hope you don't mind if I talk about family stuff for a minute, we went to my father-in-law's retirement party. What's significant about that is that my FIL is a retiring Major General and the Commander of the California Air Guard. He's such a self-effacing guy that we never hear stories about his service and I got to learn more about what he does today, the day he relinquishes his command, than I have in the last 15 years! He's been in the military for 40 years and has a chest full of commendations dating back to service in Vietnam as an F4 pilot (his dad advised him that it was better to fly over all the crap than to walk through the middle of it-- truer words were never spoken). He doesn't read my blog (I'm not altogether sure he knows what blog is and he refuses to find out since he says he's going "low-tech" now that he's retired) but if he did, I'd want him to know how honored I have been to be treated like a second daughter by such a great guy. And to all of the service men and women out there-- you're all my heroes. Thank you for your service.

I know that's quite a digression, but after spending the day with so many distinguished people today, I felt compelled to show my appreciation. I also feel compelled to tell you that we have family here until Friday. So if I miss a day or two, that's why. I'm still eating too much food and pretending it's Thanksgiving. My hips will never forgive me.

As for the rest of this blog post... Well, as you can imagine, I haven't had much time to work up a post for today. But the timing is good as I like to do one giveaway a week and I think this week's slot is still open. I decided to go with a book that's been out a little while, but it's also written by an old favorite. Maybe it's one you haven't had a chance to pick up yet.

Stars and Gods by Larry Niven

Niven returns with the sequel to his most recent collection, Scatterbrain, which gathers an equally engaging assortment of Niven's latest work, all in one captivating volume. Here are choice excerpts from his most recent novels, including Ringworld's Child, as well as short stories, non-fiction, interviews, editorials, collaborations, and correspondence. Stars and Gods roams all over a wide variety of fascinating topics, from space stations to conventional etiquette.
Give yourself a treat, and feel free to pick the brain of one of modern science fiction's most fascinating thinkers.

Just add your information to the form below to enter (all information is guaranteed confidential and will be discarded once contest ends) and I will randomly pick one winner by Wednesday December 15th.((contest extended until after Christmas due to lag-time of holiday shipping)) No multiple entries please-- all multiple entries will be discarded. Open everywhere.

Good luck!

**Contest Closed**

"Blackberry Empathy" phone concept of social networking

In recent past, social networking has emerged as a popular medium, especially among gen-next, to interact with friends and associates and discuss their day-to-day or business activities. Making the most out of the new trend, designers are working on different portable gadgets that promises a better platform for social networking not only within the our walls but on the move as well.

The "Blackberry Empathy" is an identical phone concept that integrates human emotions with the concept of social networking. The phone is used in conjunction with a biometrics ring that is worn by the user to collect "emotional data". Spec-wise it features a transparent OLED screen that becomes transparent when not in use and opaque during interaction. The front is all touch surfaces, while on the back there is a physical keyboard

Designers: Kiki Tang & Daniel Yoon

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Random Thoughts...

  • Leslie Nielsen passed away yesterday and I'm too bummed to make any Shirley jokes. My parents always told me he was a great dramatic actor, and I'm reading a lot comments referencing "Forbidden Planet," but he'll always be Dr. Rumack from "Airplane" to me.
  • It was announced today that Anne Hathaway and James Franco are going to be the hosts of the 2011 Academy Awards. Um. Huh? This is a head scratcher for sure. I grew up in the era of Johnny Carson and Billy Crystal-- wonderful comics who could think on their feet and had a wry appreciation of the ridiculous. I have visions of painful, scripted banter and lots of awkward pauses with this particular duo. No disrespect intended to Anne or James, but how did we go from Carson to Hathaway and Franco? This is being sold as a show that's going for a "SNL vibe" but I feel like I'm being punked. Oh well. Another year I skip the awards. 
  • When I look at the trailer for "The Green Lantern" I can't decide if I'm getting old or movies really are just sucking a whole lot more these days. (I'm old enough that I have to allow for the possibility that I am out-of-touch. *Sigh*)  I have nothing against Ryan Reynolds, so I don't think it's the casting that bothers me. I just can't get past the sarcastic form of irony that every semi-comedic script wants to include. How many times can someone say "I know! Right?" before it gets old? My 10-year-old says it all the time so I know it's about as cliché as saying something is the bomb. I just wish Hollywood would stop trying to make everything so cute. I now think that Robert Downey Jr. is the only one who should be allowed to play it funny and everyone else has to play it straight. Unless it's Nathan Fillion. 
  • It's amazing that different countries can ostensibly speak the same language but have such different slang. While recently watching the whole series of Harry Potter movies I frequently found myself frowning in confusion over terms like "tosser" and "barmy." And I'm a little afraid of treacle tart-- after all, I know what they put into the blood pudding.  Are foreign viewers as confused when watching American movies? Or has Hollywood taught everyone to speak our language?
  • Why aren't there any great, cheesy scifi/fantasy shows anymore? I want to see Lucy Lawless flipping through the air and hear Xena's ululation. I want to see men fight with swords and try to take each other's heads off to be the last immortal standing. Is that so wrong? No one seems to know how to do bad special effects in a good way anymore. 
  • Whenever I read a really good review I feel slightly inadequate. Then I read a really pretentious attempt at intellectualizing on Amazon and feel all better. 
  • It's strange how it needs to be Christmas time to really enjoy a Christmas movie. I suppose I could watch "Elf" anytime, but it isn't the same when it's 90 degrees outside. Plus it's hard to justify drinking spiked hot chocolate in the summer. No wonder we all resolve to lose weight for the new year. Or am I the only one who looks for a reason to spike everything with alcohol? Forget I asked. 
  • R.I.P. Irvin Kershner

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New "Game of Thrones" Trailer

Is Christopher Nolan Finished With Batman?

Christopher Nolan's reboot of the Batman story is one of the few things that can turn me into a genuine fangirl. So when I saw headlines that Christian Bale was leaving the franchise after the third installment ("The Dark Knight Rises") of Nolan's series I was honestly disappointed. But then I read the story, and not just the headlines, and I was even more disappointed.

~From Slice of SciFi

Christian Bale says the upcoming movie “The Dark Knight Rises” will be the last time he dons the cape and cowl as Batman.

“I believe, unless Chris (Nolan) says different, this will be the last time I’m playing Batman,” he tells Total FilmTotal Film.

As for the rumors on who will be the adversary Batman faces off with in the next film, Bale says he puts no stock in the rumors floating around.

“Until Chris tells me, I don’t believe it,” Bale says. “It’s gotta be from his mouth, or else I don’t really know. Chris will let me know what I need to know when I need to know it. I probably know a little bit more than some other people out there, but I think most people would be surprised at how little I do know.”

“It just hasn’t been necessary yet. I know he’ll give me plenty of time to prepare for whatever I need to, and I’ll discover it,” he adds. “He’s a pretty damn good filmmaker. I trust that he’s going to come up with something wonderful.”

Say it ain't so!

The worst part of this story isn't the possibility that Nolan will wrap up the Batman story with the third film. No, the worst part is that Hollywood will not be able to just leave well enough alone when Nolan says he's done with it.

I mean, look at what they're doing to Buffy...