Friday, July 22, 2011

Sponsored/Advertorial Post: Henna Lens Party!

My first cousin in my big family got married more than 2 weeks ago and the day before her marriage, we had a henna party! I had such an enjoyable time.. Meet the woman who did all them beautiful designs. She came with her sister!
She's the owner of SyraSkins.

The condition of this party was ... All the girls must have henna on any parts of their bodies! 
I did them on my arms and both of my hands! Thank you, cousin for paying for these pretty artsy fartsy decorations on my beautiful hands! The arm decoration was $10 and my fiance paid for it!

I love it when henna decorations have glitters and swarovski crystals on them.
Like this one on my cousin's hand. So pretty!

 Below are so much more of her creative henna decorations. Henna are not only meant for hands. In fact she's so creative to do it using other drawing tools, other than henna itself. Very cool!

Now, with all these beautiful artwork on you, time to match them with your eyes!
Let's not forget the three colors, that has been around for quite some time, adding to the existing family above..
If you have read my previous monthly entries, you should have known by now that I'm an official Freshlook Illuminate fan, which totally explains why I am a freshlook illuminate ambassador! 
I was told that I will be receiving my color lenses, real soon. Although there's no specific date, I'm very excited for it. I gotta say through, when you're henna has beautiful decorations on them, you can consider daring color lenses like blue, turquoise and green. Personally for me, I will stick to either honey, brown, pure hazel or my all-time favorite "big eye" lens, freshlook illuminate! My fiance kept telling me that I look like an alien whenever I wear peculiar color lenses. He said, "If you're wearing green on that day, you probably fit with those green lenses on but try to stick to normal colors, dear." What can I say. He knows what looks good on me and what doesn't and I'm glad to hear it from someone close to me rather than people I do not know.

Which color lens will you wear (Play safe or be daring?) if you have a henna decoration on you?

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