We know everybody designer has the kindhearted and determined to build modern cellphone innovation at modern by emphasize for the blind has can use a cellphone smoothly. such as, designing cover for iPhone have the skin swells or designing application that make a camera of a cellphone can read the object around user, make a noise loud come out for replace using eyes
Today, there is one designing cellphone idea commonly and easiness, that important still can use with both blind and sighted people by use the principle designs of a button swell by thousands of micro pins dynamically raise and lower forming a tactile surface for all to get touchy with, make before press can know that want to press what is the number? And when press already, still can fondle number area that wants call out for know can dial be correct as well. This phone call that "Universal Phone"
Sighted people get the elusive tactile feedback they’re missing with ordinary touch-screens and blind people get a whole new interface made of braille. The idea was inspired by the little raised dot on the number 5 on almost all mobile keypads.
Designer: Seunghan Song
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