About a week or so ago I was asked what genre films I thought would do well this summer, so I put together a list of six movies and a couple of sentences about whether I thought they would do well or not. I should have linked to the article... but I didn't.
Here's why.
I'm having second thoughts about my predictions because I'm not sure any genre films are going to be runaway hits this year.
When I wrote the article I was starting to get a little excited over "Jonah Hex," the comic-based film starring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox in a kind of Western/fantasy mash-up. The trailers looked fun and I thought it could be a great popcorn film in the fashion of "Hell Boy." But there have been some murmurs that the advance word is the movie isn't that good-- which is why we haven't seen many trailers for it. On the other hand, they said the same thing about "Avatar."
But I can't say I've been truly eager to see any of the upcoming summer releases. There is a chance I might be able to get into an advance screening of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," starring Nicholas Cage, and if I am able to get into an early viewing I bet I can dreg up some enthusiasm for seeing it even though my feelings have been decidedly lukewarm up to this point.
My thoughts on the rest of the list are basically along the same lines as they are for "Jonah Hex" and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." I have no real interest in "The Last Airbender" even though I have watched enough of the cartoons to know the story-- I just doesn't get me revved up. And don't even get me started on the newest "Twilight" movie.. I can't even be bothered to look up it's proper name. If I had to list one genre film I have some interest in it would be "Inception," but that's based more on the fact that it's directed by Christopher Nolan than anything else. I could also mention the cartoon sequels to "Shrek" and "Toy Story" but...why?
If I'm looking forward to anything this summer it's the mindless action films that don't fit into the fantasy/sci-fi genre. "Knight and Day" appeals to me because it has Tom Cruise playing off of his reputation as crazy-- you gotta love that he's willing to make fun of that (at least I do). And "The A-Team" is pure nostalgia-- it probably won't be that good, but it has Liam Neeson, so it won't be a total loss.
But could I say I'm really, really excited to see anything this year? Not really. I could probably skip the theater throughout the whole season and not feel like I missed anything.
How about you?
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