Day 1: Tour St. Jacques

Day 2: The Moulin Rouge! It's real! But I'm told it's ~100€ just to get in the door, so I don't think any of us will be checking it out.

Day 2: Blue Man Group strikes Paris! Seriously, though, I have no idea what these things are doing there.

Day 2: Ahh, nothing beats the old world charm of a ginormous arch. (This is either Porte St. Denis or Porte St. Martin)

Day 2: I take a picture of myself taking a picture of myself, while the security mirror reflects the whole meta-scene. This was taken in the Passage du Grand Cerf arcade.

Day 2: This was painted on one of the columns in "104", a totally free art installation/exhibition hall in the 19th arr. He looks happy, doesn't he? Although I don't know what's going on with the thumb growing on his left foot...

Day 2: One of the exhibits in "104."

Day 3: The one, the only, the Arc de Triomphe.

Day 3: The Citroen store on Ave des Champs Elysées

Day 3: Some of the finely manicured trees at the Jardin du Palais Royal.

Day 3: More from the Jardin du Palais Royal.

Day 3: Bruce tries to push his column down to the level of those in the background. Matt and Katie look on, in amusement and bewilderment, respectively.

Day 3: The theater at the Academie Fratellini circus arts school. Well, actually this is the model, but you get the idea.

Day 4: Churches and flowers: they just go together.

Day 4: The Eiffel Tower in all its cliched grandness (complete with couples enjoying the romance)

Day 4: Musée de l'Histoire de France, about 1/2km from my apartment.

Day 4: Apparently there are frequent free concerts in the courtyard at the aforementioned museum. Today was a saxaphone quartet and a violin/cello duet.

Day 4: A woman takes in the concert in the courtyard. I just liked the simplicity of the picture and the posture of the woman on the bench. A few moments before I took this the sun had been shining a bit brighter, making for better light and contrast. Oh well, maybe I can pump it up in photoshop :)

Day 6: Springtime in Paris, eh? It's raining and 50 degrees F.

Day 6: visited the Musée du Quai Branly, designed by Jean Nouvel. It was.... interesting....
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