Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Thoughts...

  • There should be a reality show for geeks. Wasn't there one for people who wanted to be comic book heroes? What happened to that one? Well, if I have to endure reality television then they need to cater to the geek crowd more. Maybe have a show where contestants train in Medieval combat with sword fighting and jousting tournaments at the end of the show. Too much? I can't lie, I think it would be hilarious to watch the Renaissance faire crowd give this a go. Don't get me wrong-- I like Renaissance faires. But like the Comic-Con crowds, there are some people who really get into it. That's who I want to see. 
  • I don't have the patience for politics in my entertainment anymore. I'm also sick of hearing how "polarizing" everything is right now. When aren't we polarized in our beliefs? I've never known a time when it hasn't been that way. It doesn't matter what you believe, there is always someone out there ready to tell you you're an idiot for believing in just about anything. I don't care if an author has a different point of view than I do, but how about some subtlety? I tried to read a book recently and every character just so happened to have a belief system that reflected one viewpoint. Couldn't we have an opposing view just for fun? How about this-- why not just tell a story and let the reader come to their own conclusions? That would be awesome. When I was 20 years old, I could read anything. Now, I'm too darned cranky to deliberately irritate myself. 
  • I'd love to be a zombie extra on 'The Walking Dead" (heck yeah I've entered the contest). But everyone would totally hate me because I'd be trying to do the dance to "Thriller" the whole time. 
  • I'm kind of tired of big, epic movies. I'm also a little weary of having to see a minimum of three movies to get the whole story. "Harry Potter," "Narnia," "The Lord of the Rings," "The Matrix..." It's not that I didn't enjoy some of those movies, but it's rare that I'd say I enjoyed all of them. I think "The Lord of the Rings" is the best of that list, but by the end I was just looking at the screen and saying for the love of God, can you just throw the ring in already! Lately the only thing I look forward to are animated films.  I wish more people would remember that less is more. My wallet would appreciate it too. 
  • There is a lot of blood and sex on television these days. I know, I know, sex sells. It always has. But nowadays it seems like everyone is getting really aggressive with it. "True Blood" is an interesting example because they really ramped up the sex and violence quotient from the books. There was bound to be blood (vampires and all) but I certainly wasn't expecting so much graphic sex. Now it seems the two are inseparable and shows like "Spartacus" are really blatant with the alternating sex and blood motif. What ever happened to showing a little tenderness?
  • Hi, my name is SQT and I'm a bookaholic.  I have more books than I will be able to read before I'm 90, and I keep accumulating more. I'm not just talking about stuff that is sent to me for review, I'm also talking about every random title that looks interesting and becomes something I just gotta have. I have 5 full-sized bookshelves and they are not enough. I need help before I become one of those scary hoarders you see on TV. I hope the eReader I'm getting this Christmas will, at the very least, help me get rid of some of the piles on my floor.
  • People are much nicer to you after you lose weight. I'm really going on a tangent here, but what the heck. They come up to you and chat you up for awhile, and then work their way around to saying...so you've lost a lot of weight recently haven't you? It's not that they're suddenly interested, they're just hoping that what you have is contagious. 
  • So what comes after zombies? We've had the emo vampires, handsome werewolves and now we've got lots of zombies. Would anyone be interested in mummies? Frankenstein monsters? Bigfoot? I haven't figured out what the next big monster is. Have you? (Secretly I'm pulling for the Wookalar).
  • Is sarcasm ever going to go out of style? Everyone's favorite weapon these days seems to be snark. It's kind of funny to hear the vampires from "Twilight" described as douchbags by Dean Winchester (yeah I laughed) but any character in the paranormal spectrum right now doesn't seem to have much range beyond a sneer and a sarcastic one-liner. I blame Buffy. 
  • Maybe I'm too rash in dismissing sarcasm. Maybe I'm just jealous of the kind of mind that can come up with an instant come-back. I blame Joss Whedon. 
  • Speaking of Joss Whedon, I miss the sci-fi/western motif of "Firefly." There was something cool about seeing people dressed in trench-coats and holsters while flying a spaceship. 
  • Random lists are my new favorite thing. It's so much easier than having to keep to a theme. 

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