Monday, August 9, 2010

The Skiffy and Fanty Show: A New-ish Podcast

I'm not one to hijack other people's blogs to advertise my own things, but SQT gave me permission. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

A few months ago, I started a weekly science fiction and fantasy podcast with a friend called The Skiffy and Fanty Show (those are the nicknames for science fiction and fantasy, in case you didn't know that already). The podcast is about anything and everything related to those two genres: books, movies, television, random cool science stuff, author interviews, and just about anything else we can find that somehow connects to SF/F. Plus, each episode features a new question for our listeners.

Thus far we've talked about the rise of fantasy, Inception and our favorite science fiction movies, the Never Again anthology fiasco, libraries, whales with laser beams on their heads, the next big thing in YA, fantasy, and science fiction, the definition of science fiction, magical realism, and dozens of things happening in SF/F film, television, and literature! We've also interviewed the guys behind Universal Dead (a webseries), which recently got optioned for a full length film. All in all, there are twelve episodes of our show, with a thirteenth coming at the end of the week (new episodes are released every Sunday, unless I temporarily die or a meteor lands in my living room--there's a good chance at least one of those will happen before I turn 100).

So, if you're interested in a commentary-based science fiction and fantasy podcast, feel free to check us out here. We're also on iTunes (although for some odd reason iTunes only shows nine episodes, so you might have to get the first three from the website if you want to listen to them)! And if you like the show, send us an email (skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com), leave a comment on our Wordpress page, or leave us a voicemail (206-203-1686)! We're always excited to hear from listeners (hatemail is always appreciated). Oh, and enjoy the show!

There! That wasn't so painful, now was it?
P.S.: We're starting a new segment where we review the bad and the ugly of science fiction and fantasy films. So if you have any suggestions for films that are not too obscure and also not all that great, then let us know! We want you to torture us!

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