Those sketches shows how the circulation of the site works and the way guiding through between the spaces. As there is a King St in front which brings a lot of traffic and pubilc and also from the park behing the site, creating a double entrance will enhance the activities surround the gallery.

According to this project, there is a large use of glass for different purposes. One of them is for obtaining the natural light into the buiding and engaging the building with the environment. Anotherone is taken into consideration of making space large that how people could see through the glass sometimes and sometimes not.
Ventilation was seriously taken into consideration during the design process. The whole site is a bit slanted regarding to the north point. In order to avoid the direct sun light from the west facade and gain the ventilation at the same time, I was putting several gaps on that facade wall. It makes the interior of gallery space feel cooling during the summer, meanwhile still recieve the natural light to bright the indoor space. That's why some places use semi-tranperant as the window material to prevent the direct sunlight and can still bright the space.
Overall, the gallery is built just next to the personal space, however, they are quite seperate in terms of the entrance that they have got different accesses to each functional space.
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