Sunday, January 17, 2010

Learning Curve

Long day fighting with old Rhino habits. I successfully created a framework that allows me to adjust the major and minor "bites" that are taken out of the overall circle of the floor plan. The trouble now is lifting a copy vertically in such a way that I can then specify a rotation. I don't think I set it up in the correct way to use powercopies. The image on the right is its own sketch, but it is built from 14 arcs that reference a whoooole bunch of points in the image on the left. So when I tried to define a powercopy, there were a bajillion defining points. Tomorrow I'll take another stab at it, maybe setting some constraints based off of formulas rather than just geometry. Also, I'm still not sure how to set it up to allow changes in the number of "bite" circles (getting it set up so that a set number were all equal radius and so their centers were equadistant from one another was a pain in the butt).

(LEFT) the sketch that forms the controlling framework. (RIGHT) an animation of what happens when controlling framework is tweaked.

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