Monday, October 5, 2009

Start making money..

Want to have a passive income in your blog or website? though small, but if it continues, hopefully will be a lot ...

One way is to join google adsense or affiliate with other programs, such as amazon etc.
You can see on the menu at the right or bottom of my blog

Very easy way to follow, you must first register in the program you are going to participate
Google Adsense:
Amazon: https: //

You can register and wait for approval. After you approved, you can copy the code that you want to display on the page of your blog / website, can be a link, banners, widgets etc.

After shown on the blog / website, then you will get the income if  viewer of your blog / websites is clicked on ads from the program you've joined, it must be patient, because it will take at least 1000 clicks and you get 1 dollar.

For Google Adsense, if you already have a blog on blogspot before, you can register directly on Monetize menu, and follow the next steps.


When accepted, then your blog will automatically have the display with the adsense "ads by google"
How if from other affiliate or direct from google adsense website? Here are the steps...
1. Sign in to affiliate or google adsense, select which is displayed, then get the code, and copy the code
2. Sign in to, select Layout menu

3. Select Add a Gadget

4. Select HTML/JavaScript
5. Paste the Code that you copy before from Google Adsense or other affiliate program

6. Click Save and arrange the display location as you want then click save again
7. Check your blog

Happy trying and start making money...

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