Okay. Before I change my mind.
Courtesy of Penguin Books I am able to offer copies of two great sets of short stories to one lucky winner.
An all-new anthology of Chinese culture-inspired science fiction
This unique collection of science fiction tales demonstrates the diversity of the Chinese experience around the world, merging China's rich heritage with new traditions, offering North American readers an opportunity to discover these exciting writers.
The Dragon and the Stars is the first collection of science fiction and fantasy stories written by ethnic Chinese living outside of China. It features new fiction from Chinese writers in Canada, the United States, the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Steampunk can be defined as a subgenre of science fiction that is typically set in an anachronistic Victorian or quasi-Victorian setting, where steam power is prevalent. Consider the slogan: What the past would look like if the future had come along earlier. The stories in this all-original anthology explore alternate timelines and have been set all over the world, running the gamut from science fiction to mystery to horror to a melding of these genres.
Rabe and Greenberg oversee this collection of 14 original stories of what might have been if steam tech took different paths in the Victorian era. Includes tales by Jody Lynn Nye, Stephen D. Sullivan, Paul Genesse, Marc Tassin, and others. Original.
Just add your information to the form below to enter (all information is guaranteed confidential and will be discarded once contest ends) and I will randomly pick one winner by Wednesday November 10th. No multiple entries please-- all multiple entries will be discarded. Open everywhere.
Good luck!
**Contest Closed**
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