
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Superman Fights Green Giant

Superman Fights Green Giant
A Tempramental Green Giant, usually known as Hulk, head to head with Superman, our Man Of Steel, causing the earthshaking and heart trembling in the fight of two big heroes.
Friday, February 4, 2011
"EEL" The electric vehicle with Bio-ethanol engine

This car’s shape has been inspired by the form of an "EEL". It’s three-wheeler electric vehicle that design to compact shape and lightweight. And have features functional aerodynamic construction for great energy efficiency.
This electric vehicle comprises Bio-ethanol engine and a Lithium-powered battery. This is completely eco-friendly. When charging through a traditional power point, the covered scooter shaped vehicle looks much like a mobile phone getting charged through its charger.
Designer: Muhammad Imran




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Dasar Konsep Sistem Informasi
Setelah mengetahui dan memahami beberapa definisi yang terkait dengan Sistem Informasi, maka dapat membantu dalam memahami apa itu Konsep Sistem Informasi
Sistem informasi merupakan suatu sistem didalam suatu organisasi yang merupakan kombinasi dari orang - orang, fasilitas, teknologi, media, prosedur - prosedur, dan pengendalian yang ditunjukan untuk mendapatkan jalur komunikasi penting, memproses tipe transaksi rutin tertentu, memberi sinyal kepada manajemen dan yang lainnya terhadap kejadian - kejadian internal dan eksternal yang penting dan menyediakan suatu dasar informasi untuk pengambilan keputusan yang cepat dan tepat
Informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan. Inforamsi diperoleh dari sistem informasi (informastion systems) atau disebut juga dengan processing system atau information processing systems atau information-generating systems. Sistem informasi adalah suatu sistem di dalam suatu organisasi yang mempertemukan kebutuhan pengolahan transaksi harian, mendukung operasi, bersifat manejerial dan kegiatan strategi dari suatu organisasi dan menyediakan pihak luar tertentu dengan laporan-laporan yang diperlukan.
Definisi Sistem Informasi yang lainnya yang dikutip dari http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistem_informasi
* Sistem informasi adalah sekumpulan hardware, software, brainware, prosedur dan atau aturan yang diorganisasikan secara integral untuk mengolah data menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat guna memecahkan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.
* Sistem informasi adalah satu kesatuan data olahan yang terintegrasi dan saling melengkapi yang menghasilkan output baik dalam bentuk gambar, suara maupun tulisan.
* Sistem informasi adalah sekumpulan komponen pembentuk sistem yang mempunyai keterkaitan antara satu komponen dengan komponen lainnya yang bertujuan menghasilkan suatu informasi dalam suatu bidang tertentu. Dalam sistem informasi diperlukannya klasifikasi alur informasi, hal ini disebabkan keanekaragaman kebutuhan akan suatu informasi oleh pengguna informasi. Kriteria dari sistem informasi antara lain, fleksibel, efektif dan efisien.
* Sistem informasi adalah kumpulan antara sub-sub sistem yang salings berhubungan yang membentuk suatu komponen yang didalamnya mencakup input-proses-output yang berhubungan dengan pengolaan informasi (data yang telah dioleh sehingga lebih berguna bagi user).
* Suatu sistem informasi (SI) atau information system (IS) merupakan aransemen dari orang, data, proses-proses, dan antar-muka yang berinteraksi mendukung dan memperbaiki beberapa operasi sehari-hari dalam suatu bisnis termasuk mendukung memecahkan soal dan kebutuhan pembuat-keputusan manejemen dan para pengguna.
Berikut beragam definisi lainnya mengenai sistem informasi :
1. Turban, McLean, dan Wetherbe (1999)
Sistem informasi adalah sebuah sistem informasi yang mempunyai fungsi mengumpulkan, memproses, menyimpan, menganalisis, dan menyebarkan informasi untuk tujuan yang spesifik.
2. Bodnar dan HopWood (1993)
Sistem informasi adalah kumpulan perangkat keras dan lunak yang dirancang untuk mentransformasikan data ke dalam bentuk informasi yang berguna.
3. Alter (1992)
Sistem informasi adalah kombinasi antara prosedur kerja, informasi, orang, dan teknologi informasi yang diorganisasikan untuk mencapai tujuan dalam sebuah perusahaan.
Sifat dari Sistem Informasi
Sistem informasi harus mempunyai beberapa sifat seperti:
* Pemrosesan informasi yang efektif. Hal ini berhubungan dengan pengujian terhadap data yang masuk, pemakaian perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang sesuai.
* Manajemen informasi yang efektif. Dengan kata lain, operasi manajemen, keamanan dan keutuhan data yang ada harus diperhatikan.
* Keluwesan. Sistem informasi hendaknya cukup luwes untuk menangani suatu macam operasi.
* Kepuasan pemakai. Hal yang paling penting adalah pemakai mendapatkan manfaat dan puas terhadap sistem informasi.
Kemampuan dari Sistem Informasi
Sistem informasi tentunya memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut:
* Memiliki kecepatan akses tinggi, high-volume, komputasi numerik.
* Menyediakan kecepatan, komunikasi yang akurat dan kolaborasi dengan dan di antara organisasi.
* Menyimpan informasi dalam jumlah besar dan mudah untuk digunakan.
* Akses yang cepat dan tidak mahal untuk mendapatkan informasi, dan mendunia.
* Fasilitas untuk menginterpretasikan sejumlah data yang besar.
* Meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi dari orang-orang yang bekerja dalam kelompok dalam satu tempat atau dalam lokasi yang berbeda, dimana saja.
* Mengotomatisasi proses bisnis dan pekerjaan manual.
Operasi Dasar dari Sistem Informasi
Ada 4 operasi dasar dari sistem informasi, yaitu:
* Mengumpulkan.
* Mengolah.
* Menyimpan.
* Menyebarkan informasi.
Informasi mungkin dikumpulkan dari lingkungan dalam atau luar dan memungkinkan didistribusikan ke dalam atau ke luar organisasi.
Komponen dari Sistem Informasi
Sistem Informasi (menurut John Burch dan Gary Grudnitski) terdiri dari komponen-komponen yang disebut dengan istilah blok bangunan (building block), yaitu blok masukan (input block), blok model (model block), blok keluaran (output block), blok teknologi (technology blok), blok basis data (database block) dan blok kendali (controls block). Keenam blok tersebut harus saling berinteraksi satu sama lain untuk mencapai sasaran dalam satu kesatuan.
Di bawah ini adalah penjelasan dari masing-masing blok yang sudah disebutkan tadi:
* Blok Masukan
Input mewakili data yang masuk ke dalam sistem informasi. Input disini termasuk metode-metode dan media yang digunakan untuk menangkap data yang akan dimasukkan, yang dapat berupa dokumen-dokumen dasar.
* Blok Model
Blok ini terdiri dari kombinasi prosedur, logika, dan model matematik yang akan memanipulasi data input dan data yang tersimpan di basis data dengan cara yang sudah ditentukan untuk menghasilkan keluaran yang diinginkan.
* Blok Keluaran
Produk yang dihasilkan dari sistem informasi adalah keluaran yang merupakan informasi yang baik serta bermanfaat dan dokumentasi yang berguna untuk semua tingkatan manajemen semua pemakai sistem.
* Blok Teknologi
Teknologi merupakan sebuah tool-box dalam sistem informasi. Teknologi digunakan untuk menerima masukan, menjalankan model, menyimpan, dan mengakses data, menghasilkan dan mengirimkan keluaran dan membantu pengendalian dari sistem secara keseluruhan.
Teknologi terdiri dari 3 bagian utama, yaitu teknisi (humanware atau brainware), perangkat lunak (software) dan perangkat keras (hardware).
* Blok Basis Data
Basis data (database) merupakan kumpulan dari data yang saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya, tersimpan di perangkat keras komputer dan untuk mengakses atau memanipulasinya digunakan perangkat lunak yang disebut dengan DBMS (Database Management Systems). Data perlu disimpan dalam basis data untuk keperluan penyediaan informasi lebih lanjut. Perlu dilakukan pengorganisasian terhadap basis data yang ada agar informasi yang dihasilkannya baik dan efisiensi kapasitas penyimpanannya.
* Blok Kendali
Banyak hal yang dapat merusak sistem informasi, seperti bencana alam, kecurangan-kecurangan, kegagalan-kegagalan yang terjadi di dalam sistem, ketidakefisienan, sabotase, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga beberapa pengendalian perlu dirancang dan diterapkan untuk meyakinkan bahwa hal-hal yang dapat merusak sistem dapat dicegah ataupun dapat langsung segera diperbaiki jika seandainya hal-hal yang disebutkan diatas terjadi.
Sumber Daya Sistem Informasi
1.Sumber Daya Manusia ( Pakar, Sistem analisis, Programmer, Operator, End User)
2. Sumber Daya Hardware ( Komputer,dan peralatan didalamnya)
3. Sumber Daya Software (Sistem Operasi, Program Spreedsheets, Word Processing, Prosedur-prosedur)
4. Sumber Daya Data (Deskripsi produk, Catan pelanggan, file Kepegawaian, database persediaan)
5. Sumber Daya Jaringan (Media komunikasi, Pemroses Komunikasi)
6. Produk Informasi (Laporan Manajemen, Dokumen Bisnis, Formulir Kertas)
Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer
* Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
* Sistem Informasi Manajemen
* Sistem Penunjang Keputusan
* Otomasi Kantor
* Sistem Pakar
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Romancing the Vampire
I don't read a lot of pure romance novels. I think I went through a phase in my late teens in which I read a few Danielle Steel books; then I came to the conclusion that every book had the same basic plot with only a few variations in time-frame and setting. I think I even read a few Harlequin Romances and ended up with the impression that there aren't a lot of variations across the genre. I don't say this to be judgmental. I'm sure the same thing could be said about the books I like.
Honestly, I can't be too judgmental because I do dabble in paranormal romances from time-to-time, though I generally gravitate toward books that are more paranormal than romance. When it comes to romance I'm a "Pride and Prejudice" kind of girl. I'll take the romance and you can keep the sex.
It isn't often that I check out the romance aisle but, as a fan of paranormal fiction, I can't always avoid the overlap between the genres. I gotta say, I had no idea there were so many vampire romances out there. They're everywhere! And they run the gamut from bloody to just plain silly. Some of the 'lighter' titles include "Wait Until Your Vampire Gets Home" and "Undead and Unwed." We're not talking Dracula here.
It hit me while I was looking at all these books-- we're not going to be able to take the vampire back from the romance aisle.
I've been bemoaning the fact that the "Twilight" crowd took the monster away from us, but I may have been hasty in my judgement. The monster had been defanged before Stephanie Meyer ever got her hands on it and made it all sparkly. And the more I think about it, the more I realize the vampire is just too irresistible. Too perfect a foil for those who like a little risk with their romance. And I couldn't help but start listing the reasons why I think we're not going to win the battle to keep the vampire as a pure monster.
~Vampire Bites are an Easy Metaphor for Sex~
I can't think of a vampire story that doesn't equate the vampire's bite with sexual penetration. Most often the act of drinking blood is likened to a sexual release-- often for the vampire and the victim/willing partner. It is a little strange that the act of eating is so often linked to sex, but as a literary device it makes sense. If the vampire's prey is another human being, what better way to lure them in than through the power of charisma and the promise of a really good romp? There really aren't any other monsters that can be brought into the bedroom the way a vampire can. Werewolves are a popular alternative, but there is usually a clear separation between the character as a werewolf and the character as a lover. Not so for the vampire. There are also parallels that can be drawn between the normal act of intercourse and the possibility of life through impregnation and the act of exchanging blood and possibility of eternal life. Something to think about.
~Women Love to Imagine Taming the Bad Boy~
I'm not going to lie-- I have never liked bad boys. Too high maintenance. But I know a lot of women who do. I get the psychology. I know that there are a lot of women out there who fantasize about meeting the bad boy and being the catalyst that moves him to change his ways. Oh boy. Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment. So it's not shocking that the eternal bad boy-- the vampire-- would be ripe for the romance treatment. "Twilight" and "True Blood" are excellent examples of this in action. The heroines of each story have that every-woman quality for the reader to relate to, but they're irresistible to the vampire bad-boys (all of them) thanks to some mysterious quality lacking in other women. The object of their affection is drawn to them and has to fight against his bite-'em-and-leave-'em nature to settle down with his one true love.
~The Thrill of Danger~
This goes hand-in-hand with the bad boy thing, but it's still in a category all by itself because a vampire is a whole different animal than a tough guy on a motorcycle. In the case of the bad-boy most women are just trying to get a man to settle down. But in a vampire-romance a girl is just as likely to be dodging rival vampires and wooden stakes as she is likely to have to fend off the ex-girlfriend. This isn't something I think most readers are going to want to deal with in real life-- but it's fun to read about.
~The Potential for Immortality~
In the vampire romance there is always- always- the threat/promise of the vampire boyfriend losing control and turning his one-true-love into a vampire. And, if we're being honest, isn't that what we're pulling for? Isn't that why we buy vampire fiction? Or is that just me? I like the will-he or won't-he theme of vampire romance (not gonna lie) because it's impossible not to wonder what we would do in the same situation. Would I want to be a vampire? Immortal life or sunlight? Decisions, decisions.
~The Ultimate Knight in Shining Armor~
If a woman has tamed her vampire she has gotten her hands on one heck of a protector. As much as men like to be able to protect their loved ones, women like to be protected and sheltered. If you have a vampire at your back, it's pretty unlikely you're going to have to worry about being mugged or worse. You might have the run-of-the-mill vampire drama, but bar fights are a breeze. I also think there's the whole older-man thing at play here-- I'm not buying any of that "cougar" nonsense-- women like men who are knowledgeable and ready to take charge of a situation; someone who has a few centuries under his belt is bound to be pretty sure of himself.
It's over isn't it? We might get lucky and get a few good horror stories with the vampire now-and-then, but the legend has been taken over by *ahem* frisky women, hasn't it?
Please tell me I'm wrong.
Honestly, I can't be too judgmental because I do dabble in paranormal romances from time-to-time, though I generally gravitate toward books that are more paranormal than romance. When it comes to romance I'm a "Pride and Prejudice" kind of girl. I'll take the romance and you can keep the sex.
It isn't often that I check out the romance aisle but, as a fan of paranormal fiction, I can't always avoid the overlap between the genres. I gotta say, I had no idea there were so many vampire romances out there. They're everywhere! And they run the gamut from bloody to just plain silly. Some of the 'lighter' titles include "Wait Until Your Vampire Gets Home" and "Undead and Unwed." We're not talking Dracula here.
It hit me while I was looking at all these books-- we're not going to be able to take the vampire back from the romance aisle.
I've been bemoaning the fact that the "Twilight" crowd took the monster away from us, but I may have been hasty in my judgement. The monster had been defanged before Stephanie Meyer ever got her hands on it and made it all sparkly. And the more I think about it, the more I realize the vampire is just too irresistible. Too perfect a foil for those who like a little risk with their romance. And I couldn't help but start listing the reasons why I think we're not going to win the battle to keep the vampire as a pure monster.
~Vampire Bites are an Easy Metaphor for Sex~
I can't think of a vampire story that doesn't equate the vampire's bite with sexual penetration. Most often the act of drinking blood is likened to a sexual release-- often for the vampire and the victim/willing partner. It is a little strange that the act of eating is so often linked to sex, but as a literary device it makes sense. If the vampire's prey is another human being, what better way to lure them in than through the power of charisma and the promise of a really good romp? There really aren't any other monsters that can be brought into the bedroom the way a vampire can. Werewolves are a popular alternative, but there is usually a clear separation between the character as a werewolf and the character as a lover. Not so for the vampire. There are also parallels that can be drawn between the normal act of intercourse and the possibility of life through impregnation and the act of exchanging blood and possibility of eternal life. Something to think about.
~Women Love to Imagine Taming the Bad Boy~
I'm not going to lie-- I have never liked bad boys. Too high maintenance. But I know a lot of women who do. I get the psychology. I know that there are a lot of women out there who fantasize about meeting the bad boy and being the catalyst that moves him to change his ways. Oh boy. Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment. So it's not shocking that the eternal bad boy-- the vampire-- would be ripe for the romance treatment. "Twilight" and "True Blood" are excellent examples of this in action. The heroines of each story have that every-woman quality for the reader to relate to, but they're irresistible to the vampire bad-boys (all of them) thanks to some mysterious quality lacking in other women. The object of their affection is drawn to them and has to fight against his bite-'em-and-leave-'em nature to settle down with his one true love.
~The Thrill of Danger~
This goes hand-in-hand with the bad boy thing, but it's still in a category all by itself because a vampire is a whole different animal than a tough guy on a motorcycle. In the case of the bad-boy most women are just trying to get a man to settle down. But in a vampire-romance a girl is just as likely to be dodging rival vampires and wooden stakes as she is likely to have to fend off the ex-girlfriend. This isn't something I think most readers are going to want to deal with in real life-- but it's fun to read about.
~The Potential for Immortality~
In the vampire romance there is always- always- the threat/promise of the vampire boyfriend losing control and turning his one-true-love into a vampire. And, if we're being honest, isn't that what we're pulling for? Isn't that why we buy vampire fiction? Or is that just me? I like the will-he or won't-he theme of vampire romance (not gonna lie) because it's impossible not to wonder what we would do in the same situation. Would I want to be a vampire? Immortal life or sunlight? Decisions, decisions.
~The Ultimate Knight in Shining Armor~
If a woman has tamed her vampire she has gotten her hands on one heck of a protector. As much as men like to be able to protect their loved ones, women like to be protected and sheltered. If you have a vampire at your back, it's pretty unlikely you're going to have to worry about being mugged or worse. You might have the run-of-the-mill vampire drama, but bar fights are a breeze. I also think there's the whole older-man thing at play here-- I'm not buying any of that "cougar" nonsense-- women like men who are knowledgeable and ready to take charge of a situation; someone who has a few centuries under his belt is bound to be pretty sure of himself.
It's over isn't it? We might get lucky and get a few good horror stories with the vampire now-and-then, but the legend has been taken over by *ahem* frisky women, hasn't it?
Please tell me I'm wrong.
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