Friday, September 28, 2007

Green Lantern Fanfilm Teaser by Cobra Production

The teaser here below has generated some buzz since it has been made available on the Internet.

It's not a real trailer of the upcoming Green Lantern movie.
But this fan made trailer was really well-done.

It shows john Stewart, the black-skin Green Lantern:

As we said in a former post (Green Lantern Movie), it is unclear which version of Green Lantern will be adapted.
So John Stewart may not be the one in the coming movie...


another old school bats with a different approach to coloring


some old school love!

Monday, September 24, 2007


boston brand!
i recently read a bunch of the early stories of deadman
great stuff, i think the character probably has more potential than it has shown
the first issue by arnold drake and drawn by carmine infantino is outstanding!!