Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Giveaway! ARC Copy of "The Painted Boy" by Charles de Lint

Courtesy of Penguin Books (Viking imprint) I have an extra ARC (advanced reading copy) of The Painted Boy by Charles de Lint to offer for giveaway.

Jay Li should be in Chicago, finishing high school and working at his family's restaurant. Instead, as a born member of the Yellow Dragon Clan—part human, part dragon, like his grandmother—he is on a quest even he does not understand. His journey takes him to Santo del Vado Viejo in the Arizona desert, a town overrun by gangs, haunted by members of other animal clans, perfumed by delicious food, and set to the beat of Malo Malo, a barrio rock band whose female lead guitarist captures Jay's heart. He must face a series of dangerous, otherworldly—and very human—challenges to become the man, and dragon, he is meant to be. This is Charles de Lint at his best!

Just add your information to the form below (all information is guaranteed confidential and will be discarded once contest ends) to enter and I will randomly pick a winner by Thursday November 18th. No multiple entries please-- all multiple entries will be discarded. Open everywhere.

Good luck!

**Contest Closed**

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