Some things I like: The rotation of each floor is tied to the distance that floor is from the base. So the higher the floor is, the more it is rotated. Also, the overall size of each floor is tied to a profile curve.
Some things I will apply to the next iteration:
- Set extrusion height for floor slab depth to a parameter. Currently I can change the floor-to-floor height, but the slab depth is not controlled by anything.
- Set the "bite" diameter to be controlled by some other parameter. The diameter can be adjusted within the sketch that is within each powercopy instance, but I didn't build in any outside references that guide that diameter.
- Build the profile curve that controls the overall floor diameter as one piece. Currently it's three pieces (each ~1/3 the overall height). As such, when I instantiated a copy, and gave it the profile line as an input, it only locked onto one portion of that line. Then, if I tried to adjust the floor-to-floor height such that the top floor went above that first profile portion, I got an error. Bummer.

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